Consumer Resources

Free Credit Report

Financial Education Podcast

Consumer Guidance

Financial Education

Free Credit Report

Financial Education

Consumer Guidance

Compliance Contact

As consumers and small business owners, we recognize that sound financial decisions take work. There are generally multiple factors to consider and various challenges along the way. Life has ups and downs of all shapes and sizes, and personal finances nearly always feel the impact. These resources will assist with making sound financial decisions, overcoming obstacles on your journey, and reaching your financial goals.

Free Credit Report

Credit Bureau Resources for Consumers

Federal law allows you to get a free copy of your credit report every 12 months from each credit reporting company (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion). Reviewing your credit reports helps to ensure that the information available about your credit history is correct and up to date. Credit reports may affect your mortgage rates, credit card approvals, apartment requests, or even your job application. Reviewing credit reports can also help you catch signs of identity theft early.

Financial Education Podcast

Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE)

CARE stands for Credit Abuse Resistance Education. CARE is a national non-profit comprised of professionals in bankruptcy, financial services, and business. We volunteer our time to educate young adults and others about the benefits of personal financial management and the consequences of credit abuse. Borrowing from our professional experiences, we tell true stories about financial distress and the impact it can have on one’s life. Their free financial education podcast series, “Voices of CARE,” provides helpful tips on a variety of topics related too personal finance management.

Consumer Guidance

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Advice | Credit, Loans, and Debt 

Learn about getting and using credit, borrowing money, and managing debt. Access articles, consumer alerts, scam information, and general guidance about credit and debt in this free resource by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). There is also a form for reporting fraud.

Compliance Contact

We care about your feedback. For questions, concerns, or to submit information about an experience with one of our agency or law firm service partners managing your account.